This view maps on the records stored by Kamailio's acc module – the event-based accounting, storing the START and STOP records for each call.
You can see these records from Accounting Services ⇒ Accounting List and Accounting Services ⇒ Missed Calls List.
Changes in file kamailio.cfg
#!define WITH_MYSQL #!define WITH_ACCDB
modparam("acc", "db_extra", "src_user=$fU;src_domain=$fd;src_ip=$si;" "dst_ouser=$tU;dst_user=$rU;dst_domain=$rd")
Kamailio database structure and stored procedure were created by Siremis Web Installation Wizard by checking “Update SIP Database” option in Step 2. These DB operations consisted of:
If you want to see the SQL commands used to do above DB operations, see the file:
The stored procedure for generating CDRs was created during installation process. It is named kamailio_cdrs(). You have to execute it periodically from a cron.d job or you can user rtimer and sqlops modules to execute it periodically from Kamailio configuration file.
You can see CDRs in Siremis panel: Accounting Services ⇒ CDR List
The stored procedure for rating CDRs was created during installation process. It is named kamailio_rating(). It takes one parameter, rgroup, which corresponds to rate_group column in billing_rates table.
The rules for rating the calls (billing) have to be added in table billing_rates. The rating engine uses the longest prefix matching to select the rate_unit and the time_unit to bill the CDRs. Each rating rule is composed from:
Also, like for CDRs generation, you have to execute it periodically – again from a cron.d job or you can user rtimer and sqlops modules to execute it periodically from Kamailio configuration file.
Here are the kamailio.cfg snippets to generate and rate CDRs periodically from a running Kamailio instance.
# -- for siremis CDRs -------------- loadmodule "" loadmodule "" modparam("rtimer", "timer", "name=cdr;interval=300;mode=1;") modparam("rtimer", "exec", "timer=cdr;route=CDRS") modparam("sqlops", "sqlcon", "cb=>mysql://openser:openserrw@localhost/openser") # ====================================================== # Populate CDRs Table of Siremis # ====================================================== route[CDRS] { sql_query("cb","call kamailio_cdrs()","rb"); sql_query("cb","call kamailio_rating('default')","rb"); }